How to add, edit, or delete programs from the hardcoded degrees-certifcates index pages File paths needed to edit: (server path to root directory) C:\inetpub\wwwroot\: These pages are hard coded, do not attempt to edit with CMS it will overwrite the live pages. /programs-classes/degrees-certificates/index.html This page has the grid of photos and a find degree form at the top. To add or remove a program from the drop down list edit the html input fields. Then adjust the javascript the form calls to accordingly. path to javascript file: /_resources/js/programs-certificates-fields.js FILTER PAGES: /programs-classes/degrees-certificates/view-all-degrees-certificates.html /programs-classes/degrees-certificates/*subfoldername"/index.html these pages have search filters for degrees and certificates and locations. All CSS for the filter feature is hard coded onto the top of the page page All javascript for search filter is hard coded onto the page at the bottom: each degree or certificate has it's own div box with it's on ID. degrees example would be id=d12, certificate example would be id=c12 CSS Classes there are several classes that allow js to sort through the html and dump the various ids into an array Classes: programs (top level class given to every div box includes all degrees and certificates) degrees certificates armstrong brockway butler cranberry lawrencecrossing lindenpointe JS LOGIC: The script reads input from the radio buttons in the left column and decides if the user wants to see a degree or certificate or view both then the script checks to see if a location filter has been selected then the script uses showdegrees() function call and cycles through the degreesarray or certificatesarray or programsarray and dumps the various ids into a temp array it's called showdegrees but it also shows certificates or shows both inside showdegrees() the script checks for location and uses case switch to create a temparray that only has ids from that location then the script shows only divs that ids are in the temp array. mixed into the logic there is code that accounts for clearing the input fields and showing all programs and locations and for using a query string in the url to filter, this allows you to link to only butler degrees etc. HOW TO EDIT: !Edit directly on the server, I use Notepad++, Make sure you first edit the "*-edit.html" page and test it before you adjust /programs-certicates/view-all-degrees.html of /*subfolder-name*/index.html filter pages DELETE from the program list: 1. start with the html div block and note the id 2. remove the div block 3. delete the id from the hard coded array, either degreesarray[] or certificatesarray[] 4. repeat steps 1-3 on the subfolder index page ex: /degrees-certicates/health-care/index.html ADD to the program list: 1. copy and paste an existing div block to the html, change the id, change the href path and of course the title, description, and location 2. make sure to edit the classes of the div box accordingly (all are program then choose either degree or certificate and then add the locations). 3. make sure to add the new id to the either degreesarray[] or certificatesarray[] 4. copy the new div box html code 5. navigate to the respective subfolder ex: /degrees-certicates/health-care/index.html 6. copy and paste div box html onto the subfolder index page 7. add the new id to the either degreesarray[] or certificatesarray[] EDIT an existing program: this is just simple html editing. You can change any of the text or the url path or add/subtract a location. no adjustment to javascript is necessary, make sure you adjust the div's class as needed.