Financial Aid Policies
Withdrawal Policy
Withdrawing may be in your best interest; however, you need to be aware of how withdrawing affects your financial aid.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
Student Financial Services Offices are required to establish a policy to monitor degree progression and consistently apply it to all students. BC3 reviews SAP at the end of each semester.
Drug Policy
A student who has been convicted of possession or sale of illegal drugs loses Title IV eligibility for a period of time specified in law. The period of ineligibility depends on whether the conviction was for possession or sale of (including conspiring to sell) illegal drugs. Read more information about Drug Convictions and the FAFSA.
Student Consumer Information
The Student Consumer Information page provide students, parents and the community with needed information about the College.
Financial Aid Disbursements
Financial Aid does an initial disbursement of Federal, State and Third Party Programs 5 weeks into the beginning of the term. Disbursements continue weekly throughout the semester as students become eligible. Eligible courses must be 10 weeks in length or a combination within the term.
Pell Recalculation Date
Schools are permitted to set a Pell Recalculation Date (PRD) as a means to establish a time frame for students to add or drop courses to determine a student’s enrollment status for Pell Awarding purposes. BC3 utilizes a PRD date the same as the last day of 100% refund period for the term. BC3 policy is to not recalculate Pell after the Census date of the term which also eliminates not only increasing but decreasing awards.