Workforce Development
BC3's professional team is committed to providing training, certifications, and advancement opportunities to meet business, industry, and public safety needs on a local and regional level. Workforce Development offers training to businesses, companies, and organizations on a customized, contracted basis as well as scheduled, open-enrollment professional education programs.
- Business Training
- Professional Education & Certificates
- Industrial Safety Training
- Public Safety Training

Customized courses for your organization
Choose from our scheduled courses or create your own.

Courses & Certifications
Courses and certifications are available in the classroom or online.

Customized training for your organization
Convenient & cost-effective training at your facility or at BC3 Main Campus.

Quality Training
Providing quality training to western PA firefighters, EMS, Hazmat & Police professionals.
BC3 Is A WEDnet PA Partner
BC3 is a WEDnetPA partner. WEDnetPA was created by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to help develop employee skills by providing employers with funding to train new and existing employees. In-state businesses and out-of-state companies relocating to the economic-friendly business climate of Pennsylvania may be eligible to benefit from a wide range of training that will put their employees on the path to higher performance.
Companies can apply online. BC3 is here to help you navigate through the process.