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Education and Behavioral Sciences Division

BC3 Education and Behavioral Sciences Programs 

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Career Programs

Transfer Programs

Out of the total number of students enrolled at BC3, 70% transfer their credits to a 4-year college or university. BC3 credits are recognized by public, private, and online 4-year colleges and universities. Students who complete an associate degree in one of the PASSHE* programs can transfer to any Pennsylvania state institution with junior standing:

* PASSHE - PA State System of Higher Education


Certificate programs can be completed within a year and provide students with a foundation and/or expand their knowledge base.

Contact Our Faculty

Calhoun, Chris A. - Park and Recreation Management

Campbell, Dr. Diana - Health and Physical Education

Galante, Mary Beth - Early Childhood Education (Pre K - 4)

Hanks, Ashley - Social Work

Lindsay, Annie  - Education Faculty and Praxis Program Director

Long, Stephanie  - Interim Dean of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Philson, Melissa - Psychology

Sarabok, Jennifer - Psychology

Earn a Bachelor's Degree at BC3

Unique partnerships with 4-year colleges & universities give students the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree on main campus. Students earn an associate degree from BC3 and transfer credits towards completing a bachelor’s degree with curriculum and instruction offered on main campus by the 4-year college or university. Courses are offered in the classroom, online, through ITV, or as a hybrid.

LaRoche CollegeEarn a Psychology, A.A. from BC3 and transfer credits towards a Psychology , B.A. from La Roche College 

In this section
BC3 student in a classroom

Questions? Contact:

Education & Behavioral Sciences

Stephanie Long
Interim Dean of Education & Behavioral Sciences
724.287.8711 x8338

Tammy Hughes
Secretary, Education & Behavioral Sciences
724.287.8711 x8271

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